Unable to upload runs from Sportractive

Before following these troubleshooting steps, keep in mind that Sportractive does not have an “auto-sync” function. Sending the run to Smashrun has to be done manually from within the Workout Editor.

The best way to fix uploading issues from Sportractive is to re-authenticate the app.

  • Deselect Smashrun within Sportractive’s Cloud and Social Network Preferences
  • Close Sportractive
  • On Smashrun, revoke permissions for Sportractive within profile settings > “Connected Apps”
  • Re-launch Sportractive and re-authenticate Smashrun.
  • Try to re-upload an old Sportractive run. You can do it directly after a run or you can select the Workout in the History Menu and go to edit (the three dots in the upper right corner). When the Workout Editor opens, check that Smashrun upload is selected and press the Save button (even if you did not change anything). A notification should appear if the upload was successful.