Polar - Splits vs. Laps in Smashrun's map


It is rather a question / wish than defect.
I always use structured workouts which is called phased workouts in Polar Flow.
I noticed that - since the Polar integration has been existing - the map of a given activity / run additionally shows Laps on the right of the screen (Smashrun).
Splits screen is known, it gives statistics per kilometers.
Laps in the current form shows exactly the same statistics.
What is the idea behind Laps?
I would really appreciate if the screen Laps provided figures of phases defined in Polar Flow. It would help me to see my performance achieved in intervals.
E.g. Miklos Domotor run on September 1, 2019 - Smashrun
In that workout 3*12 min intervals were set.
Of course, it is a question how Polar delivers such data. E.g. Training Peaks didn’t show phases, km statistics only.
You should know that i set automatic split (1 km) in Polar Flow.
However, Polar Flow is able to distinguish between splits (km) and phases (time or distance based).

@miklosdomotor “Laps” allow you to view custom workouts. For example, here’s a run where I did 6x800m intervals with 400m recovery periods + warm up and cool down: Jacklyn Giron run on August 14, 2019 - Smashrun > click on the Laps tab. You’ll also notice that splits are just the default splits (whether per km or per mi, etc.)

Hello Jacklyn,

Great, this is exactly what I would need in my training views. Laps should show my 12 minutes long intervals in my training above.
As I said, I defined phases (intervals) in Polar Flow and the Polar web application shows my results in those 12 minutes.
These phases are not visible under Laps in Smashrun.
Does Polar transfer file have phases info?


@miklosdomotor can you email me a Polar TCX export of a run with defined phases? Please send it to jacklyn[at]smashrun.com. I can take a closer look.

Unfortunately, there’s no fix for this issue since we’re currently only able to get TCX files from Polar and it doesn’t encode custom workouts. We will, however, see if we can grab FIT files and confirm whether or not it’s possible to get defined phases that way.

Many thanks! I am looking forward hearing abut results of testing FIT files.

@miklosdomotor We just released a new automatic Polar sync with FIT file support for Smashrun Pro users (like yourself). On the Settings - > Sync page you should now see a new option for Polar AutoSync. You’ll be the first person to test it, but in theory once you’re connected, your runs should automatically be pushed to Smashrun as soon as they become available on the Polar App.

Unfortunately, it’s still an open question if that means laps are included in the FIT file structure Polar is supplying for all of their watches.