Polar - Duplicated activites


I have just noticed that synchronization executed yesterday re-imported 3 previous runs: 25, 27 and 28 of Aug.

Update on 10. Sep 2019:
The duplicates might be created by manual sync.
Polar Flow is automatically sends data as I understood. It is not immediate action.
I wanted to see the results soon and after the manual sync imported activities for the last X days (probably for one week).

@miklosdomotor we don’t have auto-sync for Polar yet, but it’s something that we’re looking into! In the meantime, we’re taking a look at the duplicate runs - that definitely shouldn’t happen, even with the manual sync…

I manually synced my runs today (08 Oct). The screenshot shows that “Last Polar run: 4 weeks ago”.
In fact, there were some trainings already registered in SmashRun, e.g. 19 Sept.

The manual sync resulted in duplicated records, e.g. there are now two records on 19 Sept.

Those trainings which were never imported into SmashRun before today (runs in Oct 2019) have now single records.

However, the former duplicates (runs in Aug 2019) were not tripled this time.