Polar Autosync


Chris recommended me to test Polar AutoSync function. Right after I made the connection to my Polar Flow account. As I remember, it was successful. I still kept Polar History Importer connected.
Then on the following days I made some trainings. They were not automatically uploaded into Smashrun.
It turned out that Polar AutoSync somehow lost the connection. After several tries I am not able to make it connected. The Polar window requesting consent and confirmation appears, but approving Terms and Conditions and accepting the request, the window is closing and SmashRun still requires Connect action.
Then, I disconnected Polar History Importer and repeated the Connect request for Polar AutoSync without success.
I logged out, logged in, but it didn’t help.
However, a kind of connection to SmashRun seems to exist in PolarFlow (Settings / Partners) because the only option there is “Disconnect”.
I will do my next training and will check the results.

Thanks for the report. I can see we have very few connections, but so far you’re the first to report any issue.

Unfortunately I’m having trouble reproducing the connection issue. Were you using a phone or desktop computer? And which browser and OS (mac/windows)?

Any other information that might help replicate the problem? Can you take a screenshot?

I tried to use Connect in Smashrun again. Smashrun had Connected status in Polar Flow under Settings / Partners before this action, Right after the Connected status changed to the actual date.
However, Smashrun web application didn’t have the same interpretation. “Connect” button was the only option available. Means, nothing changed in Smashrun.
Then, I disconnected Smashrun in Polar Flow and activated Connect in Smashrun web application.
This time the following message appeared on the screen:

I use the web app in Chrome 77.0.3865.90 under Windows 10.

I hope it helps.

To update my training history I reconnected Polar History Importer and imported all missing runs on Monday morning.
The Polar Auto-Sync still offers Connect option, however, I hit this button again.
Surprisingly, the evening training automatically appeared in Smashrun. Does it seem work although the web app doesn’t say: “it is connected”? What would happen if I disconnected Polar History Importer?
The Additional Run Info strangely shows “Source; SUUNTO”. I have no connected Suunto device or service. The training happened on 4th Nov 2019.
My next runs are scheduled for the weekend, I will check what I will get.